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责任编辑:Tom Sun 发表时间:2014年02月24日 15:56 浏览次数:9027 内容转自:www.g12e.com

A. clean; help     B. to clean; help

C. to clean; to help  D. cleaning; to help

8.(    ) The children are __________TV now.

A. watching B. reading C. looking D. seeing

9.(     ) What _____ the man ______ over there?

A. is, do B. are, doing C. is, doing D. are, do

10.(     ) Where's my pencil-box? I ______ it.

A. am not seeing  B. am not finding

C. can't find    D. can't look at

11.(    ) It’s time to ______ up.

A. getting  B. got  C. gets D. get

12.(    ) One of the boys_____ my brother.

A. is  B. are C. am  D. be

13.(    ) Let's come and ______ some water.

A. to drink B. drink C. drinking D. drinks

14.(    ) The players are playing _____ football.

A. a    B. an  C. the  D. /

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